Pannikin Building | Wedding Industry Event | San Diego
We kicked off 2020 with a stellar Wedding Industry party Trending into the Twenties coordinated & designed by the fabulous Lindsay Dean Events. The Pannikin Building in downtown San Diego is a gorgeous industrial feel space with exposed brick, and wood beams. It’s a dreamy space to host a number of different types of events. We love this space & it was fun to bring a Hawthorne vintage style photo booth paired with a Prospect stand and to shoot against the brick wall for a backdrop. It was a perfect match!
We love how Lindsay placed the bar (Moniker events) in the middle of the floor, creating a great flow and ambiance.
It was a great way to kick off the New Year, with Industry friends we’ve known for years & some new ones too.

photos: Amira Gray Photography
Photos by Stockham Media
And the rad event video captured by Lloyd Films:
The fab team!
Venue: The Pannikin Building @thepannikinbuilding
Lindsay Dean Events @lindsaydeanevents
TBD San Diego @tbdsandiego
The Wild Thyme Company @wildthymeco
Moniker Cocktail Co. @monikercocktailco
Moniker Coffee Co. @monikercoffee
Poured with Love @pouredwithluv
Amira Gray Photography @amiragrayphotography
The Letter J- Calligraphy @theletteredj
VOX DJs @voxdjs
BrickHouse Dance Productions @brickhouse_dance
Union Booth @unionbooth
SociaLights @sdsocialights
Stockham Media @stockhammedia
Lloyd Films @lloydfilm
Aisle Planner @aisleplanner
Generation Tux @generationtux
BBJ Linen @bbjlinen
Swoonful @swoonful
Sweetcheeks Baking Co @sweetcheeksbakingco
Sensational Treats @sensationaltreatssd
BalloonZilla @balloonzilla
Cindy Stirling Makeup & Hair @cindystirling_muah